Giants on Record Uncovering America’s Hidden History

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In ‘Giants on Record’, Hugh Newman uncovers the extraordinary existence of a race of giants in North America’s history. This book reveals how thousands of newspaper reports, scientific findings, and native legends hint at a fascinating yet controversial aspect of human history. Join me as we delve deeper into this gripping tale, examining the evidence and implications of these ancient beings.

Product Features

Feature Description
Title Giants on Record: America’s Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files
Author Hugh Newman
Total Pages N/A
Publisher N/A
Key Topics Ancient giants, Smithsonian cover-up, Native myths, Archaeological discoveries
Customer Rating 4.7
Customer Review Count 405

Product Overview

Engaging narrative blending history and speculation
Thorough research and numerous documented findings
Stimulating viewpoints on history and archaeology
Inviting discussions about giant beings

Some may find the theories far-fetched
Limited academic references
Not suitable for readers seeking strictly scientific evidence

The Origins of Giants in North America

The allure of giants in North American history beckons us to investigate not only the physical evidence but also the narrative woven through cultural perceptions and potential cover-ups. Many accounts suggest that the Smithsonian Institution, a leading authority on American archaeology, may have intentionally downplayed the existence of giant skeletons. I’ve perused their records, noting that while a handful of excavations reported finding remarkable remains, those stories often seemed to evaporate from public discourse. Reports from local diaries and newspapers, which captured the excitement of these discoveries, often lead to dead ends when tracked into the archives.

As I ponder these disappearances, I consider the ancient myths surrounding giants found in various cultures. Native American folklore is rich with stories of towering figures who walked the earth, while biblical texts speak of the Nephilim, described as giants whose very existence has fueled countless debates. The juxtaposition of these cultural narratives with physical findings creates a mosaic of beliefs and fears regarding humanity’s origins.

Could it be that giants serve as a mirror reflecting our own history and identity? The legends painted a vivid picture of might and power, perhaps serving a purpose beyond mere entertainment. These narratives influence how societies interpret unexplained discoveries, wrapping them in a cloak of mystery that fuels speculation. In examining both the alleged cover-ups and the cultural perspectives on giants, I find myself questioning what truths may lie hidden within these complex layers of history.

The Smithsonian Cover-Up and Cultural Perspectives

There have long been whispers of a cover-up by the Smithsonian Institution related to the discoveries of giant skeletons in North America. For enthusiasts and skeptics alike, the tale of these giants only grows as we sift through the murky waters of the past. I have come across records and claims that suggest the Smithsonian received numerous reports of gigantic remains unearthed within burial mounds and other sites. Interestingly, many of these findings seem to have vanished into thin air, fueling the belief that crucial evidence has been deliberately suppressed.

It’s not just the physical evidence that’s fascinating—cultural narratives surrounding giants from various traditions also enrich this enigmatic history. For example, Native American folklore often speaks of colossal beings that roamed the earth, leaving behind stories of battles with humans. Similarly, biblical texts reference the Nephilim, described as giants stemming from the intermingling of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men.” These stories illustrate how deeply entrenched the idea of giants is in various cultures, serving as cautionary tales or symbols of strength and power.

As I consider these elements, I can’t help but see a tapestry woven from both tangible evidence and rich mythology. Each thread contributes to our understanding of how giants have shaped and influenced belief systems through the ages, raising questions about our history that remain tantalizingly unanswered.


In conclusion, ‘Giants on Record’ presents a fascinating exploration of ancient giants in North America, backed by extensive research and captivating storytelling. Whether or not you believe in these legends, the book provokes thought and ignites curiosity about our history. If you’re intrigued by the mysteries of the past, this book is a compelling read.

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